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Workplace6 Darling Island

48 Pirrama Rd
Pyrmont NSW 2009

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Citta Property Group & The GPT Group
Nettleton Tribe
20 months
October 2008
Contract Sum

Working collaboratively with the client, Buildcorp’s team offered first-of-its-kind solutions for the Workplace6 development. Prioritising maximising net lettable area (NLA) and delivering whole of life energy efficient outcomes, Workplace6 set a new benchmark for sustainability, and achieved NSW’s first ever 6-Star Green Star rating.

Workplace6 is a premium grade commercial office building offering 18,000m2 of net lettable area (NLA). Targeting sustainable outcomes, the building achieved a 40% improvement on the maximum 5-star NABERS rating and achieved a 6-Star Green Star rating – the first in the state of NSW.

Buildcorp was awarded this project as part of the Citta Property Group and GPT Group consortium, and was engaged as the consortium’s design and construct head contractor. A key reason for the team’s success at tender phase was Buildcorp’s innovative design philosophy.

Together the team value-engineered a design solution that consolidated the required parking across one level instead of two, maximising the floor plate planning to deliver an extra 300m² of NLA. This subsequently offered an early handover to facilitate an integrated fit-out with the future tenants and safeguarded a 6-Star Green Star certification.

One of the most energy efficient buildings in the world, the building can generate a substantial proportion of its own energy via Tri-Gen and Photovoltaic technology and has reduced the carbon footprint significantly by maximising natural light and adopting chilled beam technology.

This project produces zero sewerage due to an onsite black-water recycling station, which along with other water saving initiatives have reduced the clean water requirement of the building by approximately 32,000,000 litres a year.

Workplace6 was Australia’s first post tensioned structure that employed concrete with 40% fly ash replacement for cement, and 20% slag aggregate replacement, making it one of the highest recycled concrete structures in Australia today. Furthermore, 60% of the steel in the structure has a minimum recycled content of 50%, and the potential use of PVC is reduced by 60%.

Buildcorp achieved full innovation points available under the green star rating system by working very closely with the concrete suppliers to design a concrete mix that contained more recycled content than any other concrete mix obtained previously in Australia.

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Services & Sectors

This landmark development delivered six floors of premium A-Grade commercial and retail space, extensive floor plates, optimised natural light, a 40-strong solar photovoltaic system, and is run on 100% renewable electricity.

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