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Trusted with culturally significant buildings

We believe a piece of our history is embedded in the structures that signify the development of our society.

This respect serves our ability to sensitively repair, restore and renew historically significant structures.


projects delivered

$10m - $0m+

solutions delivered

Speciality skills and trades from a time gone by

Working on heritage structures requires the same attention to detail that made them great in the first place.

  • Speciality trades and master crafts people
  • Detailed demolition and excavation
  • Brick by brick demolition and cataloging before reconstruction
  • Working with historical building materials sandstone, copper, hardwood
  • Historical excavations and record keeping
  • Sourcing and matching speciality materials
  • Passionate stakeholder management, community engagement and consultation
  • Sensitive management of products and materials now known to be harmful
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Our expertise

Our teams passionately apply their expertise.


Repairing failing structures or building products long past their life cycle.


Renewing historical buildings with modern services infrastructure and functionality.


Creating new purpose and function for buildings but retaining their historical beauty.

Buildcorp_Bondi Pavillion 1


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It is timeless, elegant, unified, and finely detailed and could very much work as a universal application – it could be a home, it could be a retail store, it could be a workplace… Its materiality is particularly impressive and the way the palette is used to celebrate the heritage and contemporary integration is outstanding. The highly notable sustainability credentials are significant and embedded in every aspect and the project demonstrates innovation, not just through its green credentials, but also in its respectful interaction with the existing architecture.

Various judges at Australian Interior Design Awards | Campbell House Project