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Queensland Academy of Sport Gym & Office Fitout, Sleeman Sports Complex

Sleeman Sports Complex
Chandler QLD

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Stadiums Queensland
Phillips Smith Conwell
Project Manager
Stadiums Queensland
May 2022
Contract Sum

The conversion of existing areas at the Sleeman Sports Complex into a fit-for-purpose office, and high-performance sport and amenities facility.

The Queensland Academy of Sport aims to enhance services for a broader range of high-performance programs and athletes – utilising the Sleeman Sports Complex to realise this objective and establish a presence of high calibre athletes on-site.

The project, spanning two work areas—inside the existing Chandler Theatre and in the Anna Meares Velodrome (AMV)—included the following conversions:


  • Chandler Theatre: Conversion of existing badminton courts and storage areas into a high-performance gym, amenities, and associated facilities, including physio and an outdoor courtyard space.
  • AMV: Office fit-out for QAS and a new bathroom facility. Additional work included new badminton courts to replace those removed from Chandler Theatre and a new external awning above existing glazing.

Both the Chandler Theatre and AMV are frequently used facilities year-round, so the works methodology had to account for this.

The project was completed in three phases across both areas, starting with a preliminary phase that covered both locations. An important consideration was maintaining the operational requirements of the Sleeman Aquatic Centre throughout the refurbishment.

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Services & Sectors

The key services delivered and sector expertise developed on this project.


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