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WSU Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment

UWS Hawkesbury Campus
Science Road, Richmond NSW 2753

Buildcorp_New Build_Education_WSU Climate Change_Carousel 1.1-min
Buildcorp_New Build_Education_WSU Climate Change_Carousel 1.2-min
Buildcorp_New Build_Education_WSU Climate Change_Carousel 1.3-min
Buildcorp_New Build_Education_WSU Climate Change_Carousel 1.4-min
Western Sydney University
Suters Architects
12 months
February 2011
Contract Sum

Further to our existing relationship that saw the delivery of buildings R3, R5 and R7 on the WSU Hawkesbury campus, and the WSU School of Medicine, Buildcorp was engaged to deliver the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment. 

The Climate Change Energy Research Facility (CCERF) generates reliable data about the impacts of climate change on Australia’s forests, soil, and water, and to investigate alternative energy sources. It is one of seven research institutes within Western Sydney University.

Buildcorp was appointed by the University to upgrade building L9 on the Hawkesbury campus in Richmond, where laboratory analysis of data and materials arising from field sites is conducted.

Undertaken within a live University campus, the team implemented a stringent segregation strategy to guarantee the safety of students to the university on a day-to-day basis. Further, the team worked closely with WSU to sequence noisy works outside of exam periods, as well as conducted noise, dust and vibration monitoring throughout construction.

The renovation and upgrades to the existing building L9 facility included refurbished research facilities, offices, tiered lecture theatre, conference/exhibition area and two storey building atrium.

Buildcorp_New Build_Education_WSU Climate Change_Carousel 2.1-min
Buildcorp_New Build_Education_WSU Climate Change_Carousel 2.2-min
Buildcorp_New Build_Education_WSU Climate Change_Carousel 2.3-min
Buildcorp_New Build_Education_WSU Climate Change_Carousel 2.4-min

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The renovation and upgrades to the existing building L9 facility included refurbished research facilities, offices, tiered lecture theatre, conference/exhibition area and two storey building atrium.


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