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Health and clinical capabilities

Having worked in clinical environments for over 30 years, we understand how different they are.

That’s why we are long-term delivery partners for many of the major healthcare providers.


projects delivered


live environment

Maintaining operations

Our team has the understanding and experience to customise a construction solution to any operational clinical environment including the management of:

  • Infection control plans
  • Compliant access and hoardings
  • Noise, dust and vibration from construction activity
  • Live services and gas integration
  • Traffic, carparking and deliveries
  • Laboratory standards and specifications
  • Management of ongoing experiments
  • Complex stakeholder communication and decision making
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Our expertise

Our team has experience across the spectrum of health and clinical environments.


Our work with major private operators and public health departments offers a complete perspective.


We have delivered some of Australia’s most technically precise environments, validated and tested to the highest standards.

Life sciences

Our diverse experience offers surety in this emerging industry combining workplace, care, research, and training in integrated facilities.

Teaching spaces

Creating real world simulation spaces or connected campuses for the next generation of healthcare providers.

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Buildcorp was innovative, creating unique ways to continue the works safely and enable our team to continue caring for our patients.

Kevin Dalton | St Vincent’s Hospital

The proactive approach to safety exemplified by Buildcorp over the past five years consistently exceeded our expectations. This led to a seamless experience for the Hospital and its staff, as well as a very positive collaboration between Johnstaff and the Buildcorp team. It was a pleasure to be part of a team where HSE and live environment work was done collaboratively, with clear communication channels available for support.”

Jonathon Moss | St Vincent’s Hospital

Buildcorp successfully completed the build of the largest blood donor centre in Australia. The team’s hard working, helpful and professional approach was evident during the entire project. Their attention to detail and ability to manage challenging aspects of the works whist delivering the new centre within a tight timeframe has resulted in a high quality finish that has allowed it to operate in a highly regulated environment. No citations were found during the commissioning process and their after completion service was exemplary. A pleasurable experience.

Annie Woolman | Australian Red Cross Blood Service


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