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Making a difference to our community

Maximising the community benefit from public property assets.

Our ability to transparently, openly and collaboratively work with community groups and local governments makes us an ideal partner for this sector.


projects delivered



Common benefits

We deliver in this highly rewarding sector with a focus on both short term and long term benefits for the community.

  • Comprehensive stakeholder management, user group processes and community consultation
  • Transparent procurement process with demonstrated benefits to local economies, and special interest groups from public investments
  • Community engagement, communication, tours, open days so everyone feels part of the process
  • The surety of a sustainable partner with the financial security to stand behind our delivered product today and into the future

Our expertise

Our team’s collaborative approach ensures maximum benefits from publicly held assets.

Community Services

We have delivered updated workplaces and centres to offer community services more efficiently.

Community Spaces

We have regenerated, extended, or developed assets designed to foster a sense of community, celebrate history, be inclusive and offer tangible local benefits.


We have built several multi-storey carparks to support movement but reduce the impact on the transport networks.


Our teams understand how to work on, in and around key pieces of community infrastructure including the rail network, airports, bridges, water and energy grids.


Buildcorp, through the tender process and construction to date, has shown a commitment to design excellence and collaboration with Council stakeholders and the project design team, which includes ARM architecture.

Neil Gibson, Project Director Blacktown City Council | Blacktown Exercise and Sports Technology Hub (BEST) Project

The Buildcorp team shows true collaboration throughout. A proactive team that convinced all of us that any project is possible with the right attitude and a true collaboration approach.

Grant Bambach, Project Director Project Management, Savills Australia | Blacktown Exercise and Sports Technology Hub (BEST) Project


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