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Auburn Civic Centre

University of Sydney Camperdown / Darlington campus
1 Susan St
Auburn NSW 2144

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Buildcorp_Facade_Community_AuburnCivicCentre_1920x951_1 (1)
Cumberland Council
30 weeks
Jan 2020
Contract Sum

Buildcorp were appointed to delivery a full scale replacement of combustible cladding on the exterior facade of a key facility on behalf of Cumberland Council

Buildcorp’s extensive experience of facade replacement projects and thorough understanding of the complexities that can be uncovered once removal works began enabled the façade and remedial team to propose a unique gated contract approach to delivering the replacement works at the Auburn Civic Centre.

Commencing with initial investigation works to understand the facade make up, followed by detailed design development incorporating the findings and finally commencing with the replacement works all within the same contract enabled a collaborative approach to managing safety, compliance and financial risks to all parties throughout every stage of the project delivery.

Delivering complex facade replacement works in a busy community precinct provides a prime example of Buildcorp’s award winning safety and quality systems and demonstrates the delivery team’s excellence with live environment projects.

A number of key challenges were encountered during the project, primarily in ensuring full compliance with current standards whilst ensuring value was maintained for the Council’s residents. These challenges were overcome by engaging closely with the client and various industry experts to ensure the project and contract requirements were fullfilled upon project completion.

The project demonstrates Buildcorp’s dedication to ensuring safe delivery of a complex project within a live environment, whilst focusing on the technical challenges of cladding replacement

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Services & Sectors

The key services delivered and sector expertise developed on this project.


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